syntactic representation

英 [sɪnˈtæktɪk ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn] 美 [sɪnˈtæktɪk ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn]

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  1. Bilingual syntactic representation: Evidence from syntactic priming of Chinese-English unbalanced bilinguals
  2. Syntactic processing is very important in language comprehension, by which all the semantic units are integrated and a whole semantic representation are constituted.
  3. Finally, a few syntactic patterns are presented for query representation of natural-language spatial relations in GIS.
  4. This treatment is believed to better satisfy the Principle of Economy for syntactic representation and derivation.
  5. Firstly we analyze the different aspects of the sematic content of the numeral-quantifier compound and indicate that the different semantic aspects corresponding with different syntactic representation, form a compact system focusing on expressing the semantic category of "quantity".
  6. It argues for that there is an argument structure level between lexicon and syntactic representation, and proposes some condi tioned changes of the argument structure for replacing many complicated syntactic operations.
  7. Exploration on Strategies for Syntactic Representation of Linguistic Arts in Commercial Advertising English
  8. These studies either focus on the functional aspects of topic while neglecting the formal expression, or simply take the pragmatic category of topic for certain syntactic constituents and confuse topic with its grammatical representation.
  9. In the second chapter, focusing on TC ( tertium comparationis), this paper analyses the syntactic representation and semantic activity of TC, comparative items, and comparative result items.
  10. But the description is mainly devoted to the static relations of the syntactic representation.
  11. These findings have promoted development of new models of sentence production such as the syntactic priming model and the model of verb's syntactic representation.
  12. Meanwhile, the syntactic position of modal adverbs is also influenced by subjectivity strength, semantic representation and inter-subjectivity.
  13. Through cross-linguistic syntactic priming experimental paradigm, this study was devoted to examining the influence of L2 levels and verb types upon L1-L2 cross-linguistic syntactic priming concerning Chinese English learners to explore the representation of lexical and syntactic information and its development in bilinguals.
  14. The semantic relationship in the predication determines the relevant syntactic representation of the English non-finite verb structure.
  15. Furthermore, we found that due to learning process and syntactic input, the representation of some syntactic structures will early become mature and stable.